Papież Klemens X (1590–1676) – skromny pontifex maximus z ambitnym nepotem
W odróżnieniu od innych papieży już na początku swych sześcioletnich rządów stwierdził, że „nie chciałby pozostawić po sobie jako pamiątki „martwych kamieni”, co dla ówczesnych artystów oznaczać mogło tylko jedno – ograniczenie funduszy na papieskie inicjatywy budowlane i inne. Tak się jednak nie stało i jak się szybko okazało, artyści mogli odetchnąć z ulgą. Inaczej niż jego poprzednicy Klemens X nie faworyzował podeszłego już w wieku, bo siedemdziesięciodwuletniego Gian Lorenzo Berniniego, któremu powierzył jedynie wykonanie trzech swoich popiersi. Faworytem papieskim został uczeń Berniniego – Carlo Fontana.
Na arenie politycznej największym sukcesem papieża było odparcie Turków z Europy, do czego przysłużył się polski król Jan III Sobieski, pokonując ich pod Chocimiem w 1673 roku. Największą klęską Klemensa X była natomiast sytuacja panująca w Kościele francuskim. Król Ludwik XIV, pragnąc jak najbardziej uniezależnić się od papieża, konsekwentnie konfiskował we Francji majątki kościelne i powoływał oddanych sobie biskupów.
Podobnie jak jego poprzednicy także Klemens X otaczał się w czasie swego pontyfikatu rodziną. Najbardziej przedsiębiorczy okazał się nepot – kardynał Paluzzo Paluzzi-Altieri degli Albertoni. Był on nie tylko prawą ręką leciwego papieża, ale osobą nadającą ton jego polityce, ostatnim, jak się wydaje, tak znacząco mieszającym się w sprawy papieża nepotem w dziejach papiestwa. To z jego inicjatywy jego krewna Ludwika Albertoni powołana została w szeregi błogosławionych i to dla niej powstała przeznaczona na rodzinne mauzoleum kaplica w kościele San Francesco a Ripa – z przejmującą figurą błogosławionej (1674) – dziełem Berniniego. Należy przyznać, że w tym wypadku bratanek papieski wykazał się daleko posuniętą oszczędnością, gdyż artysta, znany skądinąd z wysokich apanaży, „przymuszony” został do bezpłatnej pracy w zamian za papieskie wybaczenie dla swego brata, skazanego na banicję za czyny nieprzystojne. Papieski nepot nie szczędził za to funduszy na bardzo kosztowną rozbudowę rodzinnego pałacu (Palazzo Altieri), za co też był ostro krytykowany.
Bratanek papieża był również, tak nakazywała tradycja, fundatorem powstałego piętnaście lat po śmierci Klemensa X nagrobka (1691) w bazylice św. Piotra (San Pietro in Vaticano), umieszczonego w prestiżowym miejscu po prawej strony absydy. Ten monumentalny pomnik chwały miał upamiętniać Ojca Świętego, ale stanowił też o pozycji rodu Altieri. Nie należy zapominać, że w Rzymie chwała danego rodu na ogół współistniała z pamięcią o najznamienitszym jej członku, jakim był właśnie papież. Stąd też brało się na ogół jego bogactwo i posiadłości ziemskie. Dlatego rody wywodzące się z tzw. czarnej arystokracji rzadko kiedy zapominały o obowiązku zachowania w pamięci imienia papieża, a jeśli uchybiły temu obowiązkowi, traciły na znaczeniu i prestiżu. Dlatego też bratanek nie żałował funduszy, a projektujący pomnik artysta Mattia de Rossi rzadkich, różnobarwnych rodzajów marmuru. Siedzącemu w tronującej pozie Klemensowi, którego marmurową statuę wykonał uczeń Berniniego – Ercole Ferrata, towarzyszą u jego stóp dwie odnoszące się do jego charakteru alegorie – Dobroczynność i Łagodność. Znajdujący się na sarkofagu relief upamiętniał natomiast moment uroczystego otwarcia przez papieża Świętych Wrót w Roku Jubileuszowym w 1675 roku.
Obiekty powstałe w Rzymie z inicjatywy papieża albo jego nepota:
Może zainteresuje Cię również
Papież Klemens IX (1600–1669) – oddany Bogu librecista i humanista
Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO), informujemy, że Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest firma: Econ-sk GmbH, Billbrookdeich 103, 22113 Hamburg, Niemcy
Przetwarzanie Pani/Pana danych osobowych będzie się odbywać na podstawie art. 6 RODO i w celu marketingowym Administrator powołuje się na prawnie uzasadniony interes, którym jest zbieranie danych statystycznych i analizowanie ruchu na stronie internetowej. Podanie danych osobowych na stronie internetowej jest dobrowolne.
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select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` is null and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
3.96msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '1' and `lang` = 'pl'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '1' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '2' and `lang` = 'pl'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '2' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '3' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '3' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '4' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '5' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '5' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '8' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '8' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '9' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '10' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '10' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '11' and `lang` = 'pl'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '11' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '12' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '12' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '13' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '13' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '14' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '14' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '15' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '15' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '16' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '16' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '17' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '17' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '18' and `lang` = 'pl'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '18' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '19' and `lang` = 'pl'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '19' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '20' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '20' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '21' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '21' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '22' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '22' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '23' and `lang` = 'pl'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '23' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '24' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '24' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '25' and `lang` = 'pl'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '25' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
280μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '26' and `lang` = 'pl'
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '26' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '27' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '27' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '28' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '28' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '29' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '29' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `settings`
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '122' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '122'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '122' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '122'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `articles_categories` where `articles_categories`.`id` = '12' limit 1
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where `key` in ('name') and (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '12' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where `articles_categories`.`id` = '1' limit 1
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '122'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1730' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1731' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1732' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1733' and `lang` = 'pl'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
290μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1734' and `lang` = 'pl'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1735' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1736' and `lang` = 'pl'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1737' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1738' and `lang` = 'pl'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1739' and `lang` = 'pl'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1740' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '1741' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '5174' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_join` where `article_id` = '122'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '50' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '50' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '50' and `lang` = 'pl'
720μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '50' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '50'
760μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '50' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '50'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'pl'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '79' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '79' and `lang` = 'pl'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '79' and `lang` = 'pl'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '79' and `lang` = 'pl'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '79'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '79' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '79'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '121' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '121' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '121' and `lang` = 'pl'
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '121' and `lang` = 'pl'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '121'
740μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '121' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '121'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '12' and `lang` = 'pl'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '136' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
280μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '136' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '136' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '136' and `lang` = 'pl'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '136'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '136' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '136'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '15' and `lang` = 'pl'
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '161' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '161' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '161' and `lang` = 'pl'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '161' and `lang` = 'pl'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '161'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '161' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '161'
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'pl'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '263' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
290μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '263' and `lang` = 'pl'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '263' and `lang` = 'pl'
740μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '263' and `lang` = 'pl'
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '263'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `articles`.`id` = '263' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '263'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '377' and `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '377' and `lang` = 'pl'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '377' and `lang` = 'pl'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '377' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '377'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` in ('50', '79', '121', '136', '161', '263', '377')
880μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `settings`
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`id` = '12') order by `id` asc
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '12' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles_categories' and `entity_id` = '12'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`id` = '1') order by `id` asc
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '1' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles_categories' and `entity_id` = '1'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where `id` = '122' and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '122' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '122'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |