Francesco Maria del Monte (1549–1626) – a cardinal full of passion for alchemy, music and painting
Francesco Maria del Monte (1549–1626) – a cardinal full of passion for alchemy, music and painting
Casino Ludovisi, painting by Caravaggio, commissioned by cardinal del Monte, fragment
Casino Ludovisi, painting by Caravaggio, commissioned by cardinal del Monte
Francesco Maria del Monte, portrait of Ottavio Leoni, pic. Wikipedia, Book of Catherine Puglisi Cara
Caravaggio, Boy with a Basket of Fruit, fragment, Galleria Borghese
Casino Ludovisi, painting by Caravaggio commissioned by cardinal del Monte
He was the one who brought the unknown painter Caravaggio out of artistic obscurity, and initially accepted him in his residence in Palazzo Madama, cared for him and sparked the interests of other patrons of art in his talent – Cardinal Alessandro Montalto and cardinal Aldobrandini. It is for them that the artist painted a number of images of singing youths – paintings which were a tribute to the great musical passion which the cardinals shared, as well as to youthful beauty, allure and grace.
He was the one who brought the unknown painter Caravaggio out of artistic obscurity, and initially accepted him in his residence in Palazzo Madama, cared for him and sparked the interests of other patrons of art in his talent – Cardinal Alessandro Montalto and cardinal Aldobrandini. It is for them that the artist painted a number of images of singing youths – paintings which were a tribute to the great musical passion which the cardinals shared, as well as to youthful beauty, allure and grace.
The cardinal was a trusted advisor and a protégée of the de’ Medici family, first of the cardinal and later of the Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand de’ Medici (Ferdinando de’Medici). An intellectual and a protector of Galileo, an enthusiast of art and music, from our point of view, he is important mainly as a patron of Caravaggio. Chroniclers also speak of his frugal and modest lifestyle and a great passion for the fashionable at the time madrigals, which spoke of feelings, including the most important one – love. The cardinal himself played Spanish guitar and possessed a collection of musical instruments. Apart from music, but also alchemy, his main passion was ancient art, as well as painting. At the end of his life, his collection featured approximately six hundered paintings. Besides Caravaggio he also possessed paintings of Titian, Giorgione, as well as Dutch painters.
In 1596 del Monte purchased the park arrangements along with a villa at the Porta Pinciana gate, where in a small park palace (Casino Ludovisi), he created an alchemical study and a small salon, whose rather bold decorations were entrusted at the end of the XVI century to Caravaggio.
Casino Ludovisi – a cardinal’s idyll on the outskirts of the city
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