POSTACIE Roman emperors and their associates
Roman emperors and their associates
Antinous (approx. 110–130 A.D.) – a youth, for whom the emperor lost his mind
Emperor Antoninus Pius (86–161) – a god-fearing, reasonable and just host
Emperor Domitian (51–96) - a great constructor and a despot hated by the Senate
Emperor Hadrian (76–138) – a traveler and an admirer of Greek culture
Emperor Honorius (384–423) – the one, who allowed Rome to be plundered
Emperor Caracalla (188–217) – a brutal madman or a victim of propaganda?
Emperor Commodus (161–192) – an unfortunate son of a great father
Emperor Maxentius (278–312) – an oppressor or a victim of a black legend?
Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121–180)– a philosopher on the imperial throne
Emperor Romulus Augustulus (approx. 463–ok. 536) – the last emperor of the Western Empire and….nothing more
Emperor Septimius Severus (145–211) – the one, who made the army into a leading force in the empire
Emperor Theodosius the Great (347–395) – the one, who turned imperium Romanum into imperium Christianum
Emperor Trajan (53–117) – the ideal Roman ruler – courageous, generous and on good terms with the Senate
Emperor Titus (39–81) – the conqueror of Jerusalem and lover of Berenice
Emperor Velentinian III (419–455) – the pathetic mutiny of a marginalized ruler
Empress Domitia Longina (53?–128?) – respected and condemned, the fate of the wife of the last Flavian
Helena – from an innkeeper to a saint, meaning how legends are made
Empress Julia Domna (150/160? – 217) – an ambitious ruler and an unhappy mother
Galla Placidia (390–450) – an exceptional woman, worth as much as several tons of grain
Honoria (418–455?) – an emancipator or a tool of political calculations?
Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO), informujemy, że Administratorem Pani/Pana danych osobowych jest firma: Econ-sk GmbH, Billbrookdeich 103, 22113 Hamburg, Niemcy
Przetwarzanie Pani/Pana danych osobowych będzie się odbywać na podstawie art. 6 RODO i w celu marketingowym Administrator powołuje się na prawnie uzasadniony interes, którym jest zbieranie danych statystycznych i analizowanie ruchu na stronie internetowej. Podanie danych osobowych na stronie internetowej jest dobrowolne.
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select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` is null and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
4.01msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '1' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '1' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '2' and `lang` = 'en'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '2' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '3' and `lang` = 'en'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '3' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '4' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '4' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '5' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '5' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '8' and `lang` = 'en'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '8' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '9' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
560μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '10' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '10' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '11' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '11' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '12' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '12' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '13' and `lang` = 'en'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '13' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '14' and `lang` = 'en'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '14' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '15' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '15' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '16' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '16' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '17' and `lang` = 'en'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '17' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
690μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '18' and `lang` = 'en'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '18' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
710μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '19' and `lang` = 'en'
800μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '19' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
910μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
920μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '20' and `lang` = 'en'
1.01msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '20' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
910μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
1.41msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '21' and `lang` = 'en'
1.01msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '21' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '22' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '22' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '23' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '23' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '24' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '24' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '25' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '25' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '26' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '26' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '27' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '27' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '28' and `lang` = 'en'
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '28' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '29' and `lang` = 'en'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '29' and `status` = 'ACTIVE')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `settings`
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where `articles_categories`.`id` = '9' limit 1
620μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where exists (select * from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` and `status` = 'ACTIVE') and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 3
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '556' and `lang` = 'en'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '556' and `lang` = 'en'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '556' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '556'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '556'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7979' and `lang` = 'en'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7980' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7982' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '556' and `main_photo` = '1'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7979' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '555' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '555' and `lang` = 'en'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '555' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '555'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '555'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7956' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7957' and `lang` = 'en'
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
590μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7958' and `lang` = 'en'
770μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
920μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7959' and `lang` = 'en'
1.19msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
1.12msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7960' and `lang` = 'en'
1.36msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
1.3msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7962' and `lang` = 'en'
1.39msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
1.72msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7963' and `lang` = 'en'
1.73msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
1.91msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7964' and `lang` = 'en'
1.99msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
1.91msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7965' and `lang` = 'en'
2.57msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
2.57msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7966' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
590μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7967' and `lang` = 'en'
710μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
600μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7968' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
820μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7969' and `lang` = 'en'
780μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
910μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7970' and `lang` = 'en'
1.12msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
290μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7971' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7972' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7973' and `lang` = 'en'
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7974' and `lang` = 'en'
290μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7975' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7976' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '555' and `main_photo` = '1'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7974' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '554' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '554' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '554' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '554'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '554'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7946' and `lang` = 'en'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7947' and `lang` = 'en'
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7948' and `lang` = 'en'
300μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7949' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7950' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7951' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7952' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7953' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7954' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7955' and `lang` = 'en'
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` = '554' and `main_photo` = '1'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_photos')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '5' and `entity_id` = '7952' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where `key` in ('name') and (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where `parent_id` = '9'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_tags` where `status` = 'ACTIVE' and `category_id` = '9'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_tags')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '4' and `entity_id` = '1' and `lang` = 'en'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_tags')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '4' and `entity_id` = '2' and `lang` = 'en'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`parent_id` = '9')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles` where exists (select * from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` and `category_id` in ('9') and `status` = 'ACTIVE') and `articles`.`deleted_at` is null order by `name` asc
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '13' and `lang` = 'en'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '13' and `lang` = 'en'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '13' and `lang` = 'en'
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '13'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '14' and `lang` = 'en'
620μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '14' and `lang` = 'en'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '14' and `lang` = 'en'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '14'
590μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '46' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '46' and `lang` = 'en'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '46' and `lang` = 'en'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '46'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '80' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '80' and `lang` = 'en'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '80' and `lang` = 'en'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '80'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '248' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '248' and `lang` = 'en'
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '248' and `lang` = 'en'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '248'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '118' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '118' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '118' and `lang` = 'en'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '118'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '125' and `lang` = 'en'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '125' and `lang` = 'en'
630μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '125' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '125'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '439' and `lang` = 'en'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '439' and `lang` = 'en'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '439' and `lang` = 'en'
710μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '439'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '167' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '167' and `lang` = 'en'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '167' and `lang` = 'en'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '167'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '209' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '209' and `lang` = 'en'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '209' and `lang` = 'en'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '209'
480μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '251' and `lang` = 'en'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '251' and `lang` = 'en'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '251' and `lang` = 'en'
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '251'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
450μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '104' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '104' and `lang` = 'en'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '104' and `lang` = 'en'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '104'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '258' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '258' and `lang` = 'en'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '258' and `lang` = 'en'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '258'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '239' and `lang` = 'en'
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '239' and `lang` = 'en'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '239' and `lang` = 'en'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '239'
560μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '101' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '101' and `lang` = 'en'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '101' and `lang` = 'en'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '101'
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '259' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '259' and `lang` = 'en'
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '259' and `lang` = 'en'
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '259'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '45' and `lang` = 'en'
570μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '45' and `lang` = 'en'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '45' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '45'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '349' and `lang` = 'en'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '349' and `lang` = 'en'
1.13msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '349' and `lang` = 'en'
1.18msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '349'
1.14msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
1.56msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '114' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '114' and `lang` = 'en'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '114' and `lang` = 'en'
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '114'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '245' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '245' and `lang` = 'en'
500μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '245' and `lang` = 'en'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '245'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '247' and `lang` = 'en'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '247' and `lang` = 'en'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '247' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '247'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '2' and `entity_id` = '126' and `lang` = 'en'
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '3' and `entity_id` = '126' and `lang` = 'en'
730μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_text` where `attribute_id` = '6' and `entity_id` = '126' and `lang` = 'en'
570μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles' and `entity_id` = '126'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '13'
510μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
310μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '14'
940μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '46'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '80'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '248'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '118'
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '125'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '439'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
600μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '167'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '209'
610μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
560μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '251'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '104'
550μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '258'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '239'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '101'
570μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '259'
570μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '45'
590μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
590μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '349'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '114'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '245'
540μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '247'
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `articles_categories`.*, `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` as `pivot_article_id`, `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` as `pivot_category_id` from `articles_categories` inner join `articles_categories_join` on `articles_categories`.`id` = `articles_categories_join`.`category_id` where `articles_categories_join`.`article_id` = '126'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'pl'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
580μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
520μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
430μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
390μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
320μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
560μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
380μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
490μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
360μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
370μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
440μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where `articles_categories`.`id` = '8' limit 1
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_photos` where `article_id` in ('13', '14', '46', '80', '248', '118', '125', '439', '167', '209', '251', '104', '258', '239', '101', '259', '45', '349', '114', '245', '247', '126')
1.41msbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `settings`
660μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`id` = '9') order by `id` asc
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
470μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '9' and `lang` = 'en'
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles_categories' and `entity_id` = '9'
530μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`id` = '8') order by `id` asc
420μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
330μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '8' and `lang` = 'en'
560μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles_categories' and `entity_id` = '8'
460μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `articles_categories` where (`id` = '1') order by `id` asc
340μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes` where (`table` = 'articles_categories')
400μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `attributes_varchar` where `attribute_id` = '1' and `entity_id` = '1' and `lang` = 'en'
350μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `urls` where `table` = 'articles_categories' and `entity_id` = '1'
410μsbaza5943_romaMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |