Helpful historical facts

Helpful historical facts

Arianism – a troublesome for the Church quarrel, over the Son of God

Helpful historical facts

The Battle of Milvian Bridge – a clash between good and evil, or was it?

Helpful historical facts

Donation of Constantine – one of the greatest forgeries in the history of the world

Helpful historical facts

The Edict of Milan (313 A.D.) – a document not so new or breakthrough

Helpful historical facts

March on Rome, meaning the political miracle of 28 October, 1922

Helpful historical facts

Mithraism, Mithra, mithraeum – a mystery religion of great popularity

Helpful historical facts

Nepotism – a sanctified system proven and particularly effective

Helpful historical facts

Pornocracy, meaning the rule of harlots, but was that really the case?

Helpful historical facts

Sacco di Roma – pohańbienie Rzymu i papieża

Helpful historical facts

The Council of Nicaea (325) – where, the Nicene Creed was created

Helpful historical facts

Cadaver Synod (897) – meaning, an unimaginable papal macabre

Helpful historical facts

Tetrarchy – a utopia of an emperor sick and tired of ruling

Helpful historical facts

The Battle for the Statue of Victory – Rome and the birth of a new religious order

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