Saints, prophets and gods
Saint Agnes (Sant’Agnese) – a favorite of the Romans – an unbroken virgin
Saint Balbina (Santa Balbina) – patroness of the stuttering and… not only
Saint Bibiana (Santa Bibiana) – uncompromising Roman girl, whipped to death
Saint Cecilia (Santa Cecilia) – twice miraculously found and equally miraculously kept in everlasting youth
Saint Eustochium (368–419) – a virgin through and through
Saint Mary Magdalene – a phantom figure brought to life out of ignorance, self-interest, and ill will
Saint Petronilla (Santa Petronilla) – a virgin and a betrothed of Christ
Saint Sabina (Santa Sabina) – an enigmatic saint from the Aventine
Saint Andrew (Sant’Andrea) – holy apostle with a centuries-old visit in the Eternal City
Saint Jerome (between 331 and 347 – 420) – „Romans hide your daughters because Jerome is coming”
Saint Sabbas the Sanctified (San Saba) – an uncompromising Palestinian proponent of Rome
Saint Stephen (Santo Stefano) – a companion in the cult of St. Lawrence
Saint Lawrence (San Lorenzo) – a favorite of the Romans; intercessor of those suffering in the fires of hell
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