Roman districts
Campo de’Fiori – a field full of flowers, bloodbaths, and market stalls
Foro Italico – an enclave of the cult of Mussolini and his empire
Forum of Augustus (Forum Augustum) – a complex in his own honor and that of religion
Forum Boarium – an ancient place of trade and cult
Forum of Caesar (Forum Iulium) – discreet ambitions of a dictator, meaning a square in his own honor
Forum of Nerva – an unfinished work of a condemned emperor
Piazza Augusto Imperatore – in the service of historical policy
Piazza del Popolo – the calling card of the city: a prestigious, elegant and representative location
Piazza della Madonna dei Monti – a place not for tourists, picturesque and lively
Piazza della Rotonda – the tribulation of popes, a square cleaned for centuries
Piazza di San Pietro – an ingenious idea of two visionaries
Piazza Farnese – a place enthralling at night and imposing during the day
Piazza Navona – from a stadium to a representative salon of the pope
Piazza Venezia – the vibrant heart of Rome
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