Churches and chapels
Carafa Chapel – a place of Renaissance in every inch
Cerasi Chapel – a clash of two artistic personalities
Chigi Chapel – a treasury of esthetic sensations and religious emotions
Contarelli Chapel – a place, where the surprised Matthew finds his path of life
Del Monte Chapel – a stylistically balanced and artistically reserved place
Chapel del Monte di Pietà – a bombastic symbol of the struggle against usury
Cardinal Bessarion’s Chapel – a posthumous politically-religious message
Chapel of Martyrdom of St. Peter (Tempietto) – an antique brought back to life
The Pieta Chapel (Cappella della Pietà) in the Church of San Pietro in Montorio – a breath of fresh air of Dutch art
Polet Chapel – a monument to the counter-reformation virtues of a French wine merchant
The Rospigliosi-Pallavicini Chapel – the posthumous chord of a great Roman dynasty
Spada Chapel – ancestors, meaning capital which cannot be underestimated
Chapel of Saint Hyacintha Marescotti – a place where the senses struggle against virtue
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