Churches and chapels

Churches and chapels

Church of Dio Padre Misericordioso – a jewel of contemporary architecture in a sea of bleak apartment buildings

Churches and chapels

Church of Il Gesù – modesty transformed into lavishness, meaning the stunning salon of the Jesuits

Churches and chapels

Church of Sacro Cuore di Cristo Re, meaning, the beginning of a new era of sacral architecture

Churches and chapels

Church of San Carlo al Corso – grandeur and splendor for an advocate of poverty

Churches and chapels

Church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane – built out of hope and disappointment

Churches and chapels

Church of San Giacomo in Augusta – a pilgrim church for the body and the spirit

Churches and chapels

Church of San Girolamo dei Croati – here, where Jerome debates and preaches

Churches and chapels

Church of San Lorenzo fuori le mura – a pilgrim basilica of admirable beauty

Churches and chapels

Church of San Lorenzo in Fonte – a place of imprisonment and a miraculous conversion

Churches and chapels

Church of San Lorenzo in Lucina – where Christ, joyfully floats up into the heavens

Churches and chapels

Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda – a saint deacon in a pagan temple

Churches and chapels

Church of San Lorenzo in Piscibus – deserted and modernized, yet moving

Churches and chapels

Church of San Marcello al Corso – a church filled with beautiful tombstones

Churches and chapels

Church of San Marco – where Venetians left their artistic mark

Churches and chapels

Church of San Nicola da Tolentino – place, where Augustinians gave out their breads

Churches and chapels

Church of San Nicola in Carcere – a church erected on a pagan cult site

Churches and chapels

Church of San Pietro in Montorio – a place of artistic and religious contemplation

Churches and chapels

Church of San Pietro in Vincoli – a pilgrimage to miraculous chains and a magnificent Moses

Churches and chapels

Church of San Rocco – a church of the poor, the sick and the discarded

Churches and chapels

Church of San Saba – a place filled with the spirit of the Middle Ages

Churches and chapels

Church of San Stefano Protomartire – following in the footsteps of the cult of St. Stephen in Rome

Churches and chapels

Church San Stefano Rotondo – a House of God filled with light and suffering

Churches and chapels

Church of San Vitale – early Christianity and Jesuit propaganda at the busy via Nazionale

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Agata dei Goti – a place of heretical services

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Agnese fuori le mura – a spiritual idyll on the outskirts of the city

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone – a theatre of the senses and a mausoleum of memory

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Andrea al Quirinale – the greatest construction of the ingenious Bernini

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Andrea Catabarbara (nonexistent) – a valuable gift from a barbarian chieftain

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Andrea della Valle – a foundation full of splendor and elegance

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte – where posthumously Bernini struggles with Borromini

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’ Apollinare – a church „with a past”

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola – an area of false impressions and optical illusions

Churches and chapels

Church of Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza – refined evidence of architectural genius

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Balbina – a breath of antiquity far away from tourist routes

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Bibiana – an oasis of art in the urban jungle

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Caterina da Siena a Magnanapoli – a breath of Bernini’s art

Churches and chapels

Church Santa Cecilia – early Middle Ages in a Baroque and rococo sauce

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Constanza (the mausoleum of Constantina) – a little known pearl of early Christian art

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli – a church welcoming and guarding pilgrims

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria del Popolo – a treasury of art and a mausoleum of family pride

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria – Baroque art on the move

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria di Loreto – paying a visit to the beautiful martyrs

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria in Aquiro – following the imitators and continuators of Caravaggio

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria in Cappella – the Middle Ages restored anew

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria in Domnica – a place, where the Virgin Mary is held by her foot

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria in Monserrato – the final resting place of two popes of famous reputation

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria in Montesanto – the guardian of a square, an elegant, harmonious and balanced church

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Maria Portea Paradisi – a place reminiscent of a gate to paradise

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Prisca – a church with a pagan underground and a fascinating Christian patron

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Pudenziana – an encounter with the art of late antiquity

Churches and chapels

Church of Santa Sabina – beauty created out of stone, light and prayer

Churches and chapels

Church of Santi Cosma e Damiano – famous for its mosaics and saint doctors

Churches and chapels

Churches and chapels

Church of Santi Quattro Coronati – where, a mystic aura of the Middle Ages prevails

Churches and chapels

Church of Santissimi Nomi di Gesù e Maria – an emotional theatre of death in a church interior